Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why Smoking Should be Banned

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in public is even worse because smokers not only harm themselves, but also those around them. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpa's house, but in less than two weeks, she had developed ear infections and started to cough. When they went to the doctors' office to find out how she had gotten it, the doctor linked it back to the second hand smoke that she was breathing in. When my great uncle found out about it, he finally started to care about where he was smoking and who he was with, and decided that he would smoke in a secluded place where no one but him may be affected. Like my great uncle in the past, many smokers think they could do whatever they want because it is their body, but to me, their right ends where my health begins. I believe that smoking in public places should be banned at a federal level because even the smallest wisp of smoke can do a lot of damage to the people around them and the environment. Smoking has been proven to have many deadly effects on humans and the environment that it would make sense to ban people doing it in public. Cigarettes negatively affect the environment in many ways that not many people seem to realize. According to a study by Tree Hugger â€Å"more than 4. 5 trillion non-biodegradable filter-tipped cigarettes are thrown away annually somewhere in the world† (McLaren). Most cigarette butts are not thrown away properly because many can be easily found on the streets and even near bodies of water. â€Å"It takes about 18 months to 10 years for cigarette butts to decompose† (McLaren). It would make it easier for trash to keep on piling up, making the world a dirtier place. Not only does the trash make the environment look unattractive but it also affects animals. When a cigarette butt is thrown near a water source, it may contaminate an aquatic ecosystem. According to Tree Hugger, cigarette butts have been found inside the stomachs of birds and fishes (McLaren). It is horrible to know that some of the fishes that we have eaten may have been contaminated by cigarette butts. Though many smokers already know of the health risks that come with smoking cigarettes, but what most of them do not, is how secondhand smoking can affect other people. â€Å"Breathing in low doses of secondhand smoke can increase a person’s risk of heart attack† according to a study by Dr. Meyers, a professor of Cardiology and Preventive Medicine at University of Kansas (Sciencedaily. com). Smokers should not risk non-smokers for something that they do. In continuation of Dr. Meyers’ study is that, â€Å"secondhand smoking increases the likelihood of a heart attack by making the blood â€Å"sticky†, making it more prone to clotting, and reducing the amount of good cholesterol in the body† (Sciencedaily. com). Non-smokers should no t be worrying about paying more medical bills, especially in today’s economic situation. Many businesses provide health insurance to their employees. According to a statistical data collected by Live Strong, employers spend an extra $49 million in medical costs for employees who are exposed to secondhand smoking in their jobs (Nelson). Employers would be able to hire more people with the money that is being used to pay for medical bills that could be prevented. Smoking banned in public places may lead to less pollution, non-smokers not getting harmed, and employers saving money from unneeded medical bills that could be used to hire more employees. Whenever I ask a smoker why they smoke, many respond in something like, â€Å"It’s my own body; I can do whatever I want with it. † According to a report by Dr. Stillman, co-director of the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins University, says, â€Å"Inhaling the complex mixture of compounds in tobacco smoke can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease† (Shrieves). Though it is their own body, we all share the same air, and the smoke that cigarettes produce is contaminating our air, which may also harm a other people. Most people think that smoking and bars go together like two peas in a pod, and many think that by banning smoking in public places will lead to a decrease of revenue in some businesses. According to a report collected by the CDC, â€Å"a smoke-free indoor air ordinance that was passed in El Paso, Texas, proved that there were no statistically significant changes in restaurant and bar revenues after the smoking ban took effect† (CDC. gov). It is more beneficial to people to ban smoking seeing as there is no change in revenues and it would not affect the economy. Ban of smoking in public places in a federal level is much more favorable to non-smokers and makes no significant changes in revenues in businesses. Smoking in public should be banned at a federal level without question. Smoking negatively affects people, the environment and businesses. There are no logical reasons to allow smoking in public places and doing so does not benefit anyone but cigarette makers. Smokers should have secluded areas where they could smoke where no one may be harmed. The government should provide trash cans in these areas so smokers would not just throw their cigarette butts on the floor. Anyone caught smoking in public places and littering their cigarettes should be fined. Smoking endangers people who chose not to engage in the same reckless behavior, like my baby cousin who had gotten so sick because of my great uncle’s smoking. It also dirties our environment and harms other animals that are in search of food. Businesses who provide health insurance to their workers affected by second hand smoking are wasting money that could be used to hire more employees. Banning smoking in public may lead to a better way of life and a healthier place to live.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Introduction for “Piaget †Stages of cognitive development” Essay

Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) proposed the idea of the four stages of childhood cognitive development. These are age-related stages and refer to certain accomplishments that should be achieved, by the child, at the end of each stage. The first stage of cognitive development is the Sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth to around two years of age. During this stage, children learn to coordinate their senses (hearing, sight, touch etc.) with their motor abilities. From two to seven years is the Pre-operational stage. Children of this age become capable of more sophisticated thinking. The Concrete operational stage lasts from about seven years of age to about twelve. These children put together what they have already learnt, with knowledge gained from new experiences. The final stage of cognitive development identified by Piaget, is the Formal operational stage. This lasts from twelve years of age onwards. People in this stage are capable of more complex thought processes. During the Concrete operational stage (7 to 12 years), children should develop an understanding of the principle of conservation. Conservation refers to the idea that if an object alters its shape or appearance, its volume, mass, length or area will not change. A child with an understanding of conservation should be able to think logically and see that these qualities have not changed, even if they appear to have done so. Achievement of conservation of mass can be demonstrated with two small balls of plasticine. A child is shown the plasticine and agrees that the balls are the same size. One of the balls is then squashed down. A pre-concrete operational child will probably decide that the ‘squashed’ ball is bigger, while a child at the Concrete operational stage should acknowledge that they are still the same weight or mass. This illustrates the ability of the child to understand how the object has changed, not only see the beginning and end result.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Career as an Adoption Counselor

Adoption is the process by which a person undertakes parenting of another person and permanently transfers all the rights and responsibilities of biological parents or parents in the process. Unlike custody or other systems designed to take care of young people, adoption is designed to achieve a permanent change in position, so legal or social recognition is necessary to gain social recognition Religious sanctions are necessary. Adoption shifts emphasis from adult adoption to genetics, and to the creation of children and families, and its structure has shifted to allowing reduction in intensity from the recognition of the continuity of adoption and relatives . Introduction Counselors support people in personal, family, educational, mental health, and career decisions and coping with problems (Counselor 1). Although it is part of their work to help students plan universities and careers, the overall function of counselors is to tell students, give advice, listen to questions, deal wit h coping skills Help them stretch out and learn to be good problem solvers and decision makers for them. (Your guidance consultant). Specifically, the school counselor plays an important role. A career counselor, also called an employment counselor or a career counselor, usually provides career counseling outside the school. Their main focus is to help individuals make career decisions. Career consultants will investigate and evaluate client education, training, practical experience, interests, skills, and personality traits. They can arrange capacity tests and performance tests to help clients make their career decisions. They also work with individuals to refine their job search skills, assist clients in finding jobs and applying. In addition, career counselors will support problems of unemployed people, work stress, or other career migration issues. The school counselor needs assistance, regardless of whether you are a high school student, needing information, choosing a career o r talking about personal problems. As a high school graduate, students are aware of their career and the role of counselors in the future. School counselors are there at every stage. School counselors play multiple roles in student life. Prior to this, counselors and students must understand each other so that students feel comfortable. (Working Introduction, 2011) When ... I think that the next important element in multicultural ability is cultural skills. A skilled counselor will use customer-based intervention to meet customer needs. Positive responses are linked to different cultures, communication is important. In multicultural counseling, counselors need to know more about the limits of counseling skills. I feel that acquiring cultural skills is essential to serve multicultural people.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Some Moral Minima, ethics and relativism Article

Some Moral Minima, ethics and relativism - Article Example ime in the history and the future of man is killing for the sake of killing, taking a person’s rights away for the sake of acquiring wealth, being untruthful and genocide which is mass killing is unacceptable. There are many more moral issues like terrorism, polygamy, murder, rape, incent and slavery discussed by Mosser.K (2010) in detail with regards to the cultural aspects. The specific principles related to each case he has dealt with was majorly based on Hindu and Buddhist scriptures, and many of the norms are withdrawn from the rich and cultural heritage of Indian society which has norms that are suitable on a universal level. Genocide deals with mass killing of people belonging to a certain culture and closely runs in parallel with terrorism. As Goodman (2010) states, â€Å"genocide is the ultimate essentializing of the exotic†¦reflected in this invented mask, it sees the image of the new man it hopes to create by the expulsion and destruction of the other† (p. 89). From the beginning of our human history genocidebeen practiced. It is sad to see that there are thousands of wars fought for no valid reason at all and there have been numerous killings in our past history based on extinction on a particular set of people. According to me genocide is a systematic way of getting rid of a particular section of the human society as their cultures differ from the rest and this act is cruel and immoral. It will never uplift the society and this practice is very degrading to the human nature. Goodman (2010) states that genocide the most violent outcome of cultural disputes (p. 89).Genocide according to me is the overall outcome of terrorists and this mass scale man slaughter is very ugly. All individuals are equivalent no matter their sex, nationality or creed and they all have to right to live their life time. Every human should treat others as he will expect the other to treat him, human kindness and equal rights makes the world a better place to live in a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ageism and Racism Faced By Older People in Health and Social Care Essay

Ageism and Racism Faced By Older People in Health and Social Care Sector in UK - Essay Example This discussion stresses that age implies various social and moral obligations that resulted from accumulated loads of cultural and ideological inputs. Many expectations on an individual are determined by age as well as those which they are denied of. This perception has huge implications on how heath care is delivered to the older portion of the population. Age play a significant factor on what kind of health care is given and denied to a patient.This paper outlines that  while ageing opens doors to some social experiences that may not be available to younger individuals, it also closes doors on others. There are also new expectations towards the individual as his age identities change through time. We are familiar with the stereotypes of age identities from where we distinguish individuals.   Age-based identities have been explored and recognized by various social sciences but there is still a dearth of knowledge on how age contributes to social identity. There is still more to know about the variety of identities based on age and on how these identities are used in the wide social and cultural norms of ageing. There is a need to theorize the processes complicated social processes and experiences involved in the transition from one age identity to the other. This knowledge is important to research but is also important to understanding how health care is provided, or should be provided, to older people.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Corporate Compliance Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corporate Compliance Plan - Assignment Example framework and the related laws assumed significant importance as one after the other of the big companies failed because of scams and nexus in between the management of the companies and the financial institutions e.g. Enron, World Com, Adelphia and Tyco International. Riordan Manufacturing, Inc is the industry leader in the manufacturing of plastic injections. The company was previously named as Riordan Plastics, Inc and was established in the year of 1991 by Dr. Riordan, a professor of Chemistry who had many patents in his credit in the plastic related subjects. The company employs more than 500 employees and operates from various centers of United States as well as China though headquartered at San Jose. The Riordan Manufacturing is a company by nature and not sole proprietorship or partnership. The sole proprietorship is such a business that is owned by the owner individually. The owner is not separate form such businesses and the liability of the business can be bestowed upon the owner. The partnership is another form of business where two or more persons come together for a certain business operation in order to make profit. In the case of partnership also, the liabilities of the firm can be transferred to the owners if the firm is unable to meet it. The company form of business is the most widely used form. It can be private limited company or the public limited company. In case of a private limited company, the directors are responsible for liable for financial obligations but for the public limited company or the limited liability company that is not the case. Even if the company is limited as Riordan Manufacturing is assumed to be, the officer’s liability would include the following: The liabilities of the directors and the officers in any public limited company in the United States are guided by Sarbanes – Oxley Act. Sarbanes – Oxley Act was enacted in the year of 2002 in order to check financial scandals and scams in the western economies like

Giving economic circumstances over the last five years of how Tesco, Essay

Giving economic circumstances over the last five years of how Tesco, Sainsbury and Morrisons have coped - Essay Example 1, the economy is contracting. The situation affects retailers because of the low purchasing power of consumers. BBC said that the rise in sales will be slower than expected, with a rise predicted at only 1%. Analysts blamed rising prices are the cause of the slow growth of retail sales. Economic outlook of UK for 2013 as raised by the Confederation of British Industry will stagnate and the Bank of England will refrain from a stimulus expanding. Their forecast is that the recession economy will stay until 2014. Purpose of the study is to analyze steps taken by the giant superstores to cushion the effect of recession, and strategies they plan to stay in competition. Since recession is not over yet, the study will benefit smaller retail stores in designing strategies that will reduce impact of recession in its operations. 4. Methodology . This study will make an analysis of performance of the three retail giants in UK during recession period using comparative analysis of its financial performance as an indicator. Review of its annual reports will show strategies implemented to survive the economic recession challenge. Government policies to stimulate economy will also be inspected TESCO is one of the world’s largest retailers with operations in 14 countries, employing over 500,000 and serving tens of millions of customers every week. Diversified businesses: retailing of books, clothing, electronics, furniture, petrol and software, financial services, telecoms and internet services, DVD rentals and downloads. It has repositioned itself from a cheap retailer to finest ranges of higher quality merchandise. SAINSBURY was founded in 1869 and operates over 1000 stores including 440 convenience stores. It operates joint ventures with Land Securities Group plc and the British Land Company PLC. It has on-line ordering system and a roll-out delivery system. Sainsbury Finance provides credit cards, insurances, and savings and loans, and an

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay - 7

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Essay Example Without a doubt, there is an evident distance between the narrator and her husband as revealed in the story. This paper will carry out a critical analysis of the narrator explaining the changes that happened to her and why the changes proved to be highly significant. From the first line of the story, it is evident that the narrator is a female, married to a man named John. In addition, the couple belongs to the middle class as highlighted when the narrator says they were â€Å"mere ordinary people†. The narrator goes further to introduce the reader to the fact that they secured an ancestral home for their summer vacation (Gilman 1). The ancestral home is an important aspect of the narrator because it has features that trigger her imagination. The narrator has just given birth to a newborn baby and has been diagnosed with a form of depression. Probably, the narrator suffers from post-partum depression. The reader can also note that the narrator exhibits a sensitive temperament and is a committed writer. Since she is suffering from depression, her husband recommended her to avoid any form of work that may stimulate her intellectual capacities. Her husband is a physician by profession, explaining why he recommends a rest cure for her. Howeve r, the narrator disagrees with the views of her husband. She believes that the rest cure is only denying her an opportunity to indulge in her imagination. For this reason, she chooses to secretly write down journals that focus on the intriguing things she identifies in the house. She has identified a yellow wallpaper in the bedroom, which defines her center of obsession (5). Her husband’s sister ensures that she does not indulge in any involving work. However, the narrator develops tactics of keeping her writing a secret. She spends a lot of time analyzing the yellow wallpaper and trying to understand its meaning. Eventually, the narrator begins

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Target Market for Virgin America Airline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Target Market for Virgin America Airline - Essay Example According to Aufreiter et al. of the McKinsey quarterly, Virgin Atlantic constantly tries to reinforce the brand slogan ‘doing things differently’ by offering to sit down bar service, flatbed seats, in-flight massage service ( 2003). This image may be firmly entrenched in the image of potential customers of Virgin America. According to Mutzabaugh of USA today (2007), Virgin America positions itself as an airline that is something between the traditional airline carriers and a discount airline, and although the service is less lavish than the international service it still promotes itself as having the best customer service in the business. What this paints a picture of is an airline that has significantly lower fares than most traditional airlines while still being able to offer excellent service. Furthermore, according to the Virgin America website, the company also offers a first class service on its flights which indicates that the company is prepared to segment the market for both people seeking low-cost flights and people demanding additional service The target market for this paper is defined as males and females who live in close enough proximity to the seven destinations that Virgin America services and are automobile owners. Furthermore, the target market encompasses people who are employed and should have enough disposable income and be 20+ to account for the need to take a holiday. As the company positions itself as a low-cost air carrier the target also includes people who are thrifty but also demand quality. According to the Virgin America website, the airline departs from and flies to only seven American cities (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC.) and the company uses San Francisco as its hub and Los Angeles as a focus city. So one could assume that the target market would encompass both potential customers that either live in  close proximity to the airports that Virgin America services and those who would be interested in visiting one of the other cities that the airline services.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Best marketing practices in travel trade industry Essay

Best marketing practices in travel trade industry - Essay Example In this "Best marketing practices in travel trade industry" essay, the author describes the changes that the Internet has brought into travel industry and also possibilities that it gave. This work also portrays the best examples of travel marketing on the Internet. To get an idea about the optimal and more advanced way of travel marketing through internet an example of is cited. The online travel company is voted the number one tourism site of the world with about 60 million hits recorded. (â€Å"Online Marketing Strategies for Travel USA 2009†, 2009) The company focuses on a policy where it does not only promotes the trip planning to the customers but eventually inspires them. The tourism site intelligently uses destination-focuses travel notes which engage the customers more. The average time spent by any customer is about 15 minutes. (â€Å"Online Marketing Strategies for Travel USA 2009†, 2009) The company also uses email as one of the major cost effective sources to turn the web browsers into actual visitors and finally converting them into customers. (â€Å"Online Marketing Strategies for Travel USA 2009†, 2009) The feedback process and the other interactive internet uses actually increase the popularity of the site and also for the company. It should be noted that the level of negotiation between the different service providers will influence the electronic business transactions to a significant level. (Velasquez, Rios, Howlett, Jain, 2009, p.103).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Modernism and Postmodernism in Product Design Essay Example for Free

Modernism and Postmodernism in Product Design Essay Modernism and Postmodernism are two important thought in design. The Postmodernism is evolution from the Modernism. The modern movement of the 1930s through post-modernism of the 1960s. Although that in this modern society, it is still using Modernist and Postmodernist design. Modernism and Postmodernism have their own principles and sign. In the following paragraph, I will go to identify the different between Modernism and Postmodernism in product design. And also analyze each Modernist and Postmodernist product. Firstly, the period of Modernism started in beginning of 20 century. Modernism occurred in 1930s. It influenced by Bauhaus design principles in 1919. Its founder was Walter Gropius. The inspiration come from Russian Constructrism and De Stijl and search for clear similar idea to De Stijl. There are 3 important principles; form follows function, economy of form and truth to materials. That function became the fundamental beliefs of modernism. Therefore modernist product designs are base on function. Its products are more practicality. Modernism is object too much superfluous decorate. (Mattox 1995, [Online]) It is advocate simplify, geometric, clear, neat and tiny. It usually presents the meaning in directly (Mattox 1995, [Online]) The material of modernist design is stress on good quality. Therefore all of the modernist designs take on geometric, simplify and functional (Mattox 1995, [Online]) Now I am going to talk about some modernist product. Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.37 The first of the modernist product is a lamp. It calls AJ Visor. It was designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1956. He is a modernist designer. When he established his own practice in 1930, he introduced the modernist aesthetic to Denmark (Wilhide 2000, p.37) His style is simple. This lamp looks simple. It has a metal shade and it is steeply angled. The minimalism of the stand and the stem give that look alertness and focus. (Wilhide 2000, p.37) This design based on the function, it can provide the concentrated directional lighting for reading. The metal shade like a visor, it can shield the eyes from the glare of the light. Metal is a one of the modernistic material. The base is circular and it cut out a circle in the base. It can balance the lamp to stand. (Wilhide 2000, p.36) Overall, it is poise and refinement. (Wilhide 2000, p.37) It uses the white colour and simple shape to make user feel an elegant and simple life style. Therefore it is a modernist design. Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.32 Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.33 The second modernist product is a light. It calls Tube light. It was designed by Eileen Gray in 1927. She is a modernist. Her style is simple and elegant. She likes to use some new materials in her period such as tubular steel. (Wilhide 2000, p.32) This light has a long light tube. The tube supported by slim chromium plated steel frame. This kind of material is a good quality in her period. It looks simple and it no more decoration. In this design, it base on function. The only one function is for lighting. From this light, it show that Gray expect have a simple, harmonious and comfortable life. (Wilhide 2000, p.33) This light is a typical of modernist design. Barcelona, in Stimpson 1987, p.69 The third modernist product going to analyze is a table. It called Barcelona. It was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1930. It designed for the Tugendhat House. (Stimpson 1987, p.69) It made of flat bar steel and it has a joint welded in X shape be the frame. It has a glass top be the surface of the table. (Stimpson 1987, p.69) It is a simple and traditional table. It shape in square and has four legs. The surface of the table is flat and square. It is a practical table. Therefore, this table proof that the modernist design is geometric, simplify and functional one more time. And also meaning modernist designer expect have a simple life style. Wassily Chair, DWR [online] The last modernist product is this chair, called Wassily Chair. It was designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925. The Breuer Wassily has few equals. However, Marcel Breuer may not be as famous as his modernist contemporaries Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, he was certainly as brilliant a furniture designer. (DWR, [online]). The first bent tubular-steel chair ever, is a case in point; all first tries should be this good. (DWR, [online]) The chair is using the daring and fresh colour to printing. That can animated character brings life to any residence or office. This is a modernist product. Secondly, Postmodernist: Decoration and appropriation, the return of narrative and content. (Postmodernism 2001, [online]) The period of Postmodernism is start at the end of 20 Century. Postmodernism is stress on the decoration and the looking. Their design is base on their feeling and what the meaning they want to present. It was also not affect by popular culture. Each Postmodernist design or product can be present each designers thought and their own culture. They like to develop some classic or modernism design to Postmodernism. (Chan 2000, [online]) Postmodernist design is not usually presents the meaning in directly. It means the meaning is not clear. The material of Postmodernist design is depending on the designer. They use everything which can be present their feeling and meaning to make the Postmodernist Product. Therefore Postmodernist design is advocate progressive, Contextual, multiple view, complexity and abstract. (Mattox 1995, [Online]) Now I am going to give some exa mple to prove my definition. Alessi SpA, in Collins 1994, p.140 The first of the postmodernist design go to discuss is a set of tea and coffee service. It call Aircraft carrier. It was designed by Hans Hollein in 1983. The whole set of tea and coffee service is made by silver. The teapot and cups is position on its carrier-shaped tray. The teapot is shaped like a plane. The idea of this tea and coffee service is from the Aircraft carrier. The cups and teapot seem like it ready to take off in the users hands. (Collins 1994, p.140) In this product, designer develops the shape of cups, teapot and the tray to unlike other tea and coffee service to achieve meaning which he wants to present. He also use the silver be the material It can present the Aircraft carrier is cool. (Collins 1994, p.140) This design is base on the designers feeling and his meaning which he wants to present. From this we can distinguish this is a postmodernist design. Alessi SpA, in Collins 1994, p.137 The second postmodernist product is a kettle. It called Bollitore. It was designed by Richard Sapper in 1983. It made by stainless-steel. It have a dome-shaped body and with a whistle in the drain of the kettle which shape like the end of a Wild West six-shooter. When the water boiling, the kettle can produce the sound of an American steam locomotive. (Collins 1994, p.136) The shape of the handle looks like the cockscomb. The idea of this kettle is come from the Wild West in American. In this kettle, designer use the Wild West six-shooter shape and the sound of American steam locomotive to achieve the meaning which he want to present. (Collins 1994, p.136) From this we also can distinguish this is a postmodernist design. Chair_one, unica home [online] The third postmodernist product is Chair_one. It was designed by Konstantin Grcic 2003. This is a brand new product. The chair_one is an exceptionally versatile indoor or outdoor seating system. (Unica home, [online]) It can use in different version such as fixed, swivel and stacking. And it made by strong aluminum, cataphoretically-treated and painted in red, white or anthracite polyester powder. (Unica home, [online]) The chair shape likes skeleton. It can present the designer meaning and feeling. Actually this chair is for the decoration more than the functionally. Thurs, this is a postmodernist design. Torso armchair and sofa, unica home [online] The final product is an armchair and sofa. It was designed by Paolo Deganello in 1982. It was a cassina collection with the series offer armchairs and sofa with steel structure, polyurethane foam and polyester padding upholstered in either fabric or leather and attached to the frame by elastic webbing. (Unica Home, [online]) The armchair can be a bed It used the bright colour to be more attractive. The customers can choose any colour of the chair. The designer wanted to present the freedom of the life. This is a postmodernist design. In my conclusion, Modernism and Postmodernism have there own principles. Under my research, I find out the main idea of Modernism is base on the function and present the meaning directly and clearly. It advocates simple design. It also objects too much decorates (Mattox 1995, [Online]). The idea of Postmodernism is base on the decoration and the looking. It advocates individual creative thinking and not present the meaning directly and clearly (Nip 2001, [online]). Overall, Modernism and Postmodernism have their own characteristic. They can let designer bring more idea. Bibliography Bicket, 1998, Modernism and Postmodernism Some Symptoms Useful Distinctions, [online], (21/05/1998 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Bicket 1998, [online]) Chan Kai Fung, 2000, The style of Postmodernism, [online], (1/10/2000 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Chan 2000, [online]) Collins, Michael, 1994, Towards Post-Modernism Design since 1851, British Museum Press, London (Collins 1994, p. ) Design within research, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: (DWR, [online]) Nip Yan Choi, 2001, Talking about Postmodernism, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Nip 2001, [online]) Postmodernism, [online], (04/2001 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Postmodernism 2001, [online]) Stimpson, Miriam 1987, Modern Furniture Classics, The Architectural Press Ltd., London (Stimpson 1987, p.) Wilhide, Elizabeth 2000, Living With Modern Classics, The Light, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York (Wilhide 2000, p.) Unica Home, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: catalog/item.asp?id=12972 (10/08/2004 access date)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Foucault Questions Essay Example for Free

Foucault Questions Essay What are the limitations? 2. What distinctions can be made between the ordering and controlling of leprosy and the plague? 3. What does Foucault mean by â€Å"rituals of exclusion† and â€Å"†disciplinary projects†? 4. How does the panoptic mechanism differ from a dungeon? What are the principal characteristics of each? What are the goals of each? 5. What importance does Foucault attribute to â€Å"visibility†? What role do visibility and invisibility play in panoptic structures of power? . Foucault states, â€Å"The plague-stricken town, the panoptic establishment – the differences are important. † What are those differences and how are they important? 7. In describing Panopticism, Foucault is meticulous in tracing the historical evolution of the panopticon as a disciplinary mechanism. What is his purpose in doing so? Why is he so careful? 8. Outline the major historical events Foucault cites. With what example(s) does Foucault begin? With what does he end? 9. What does Foucault mean when he says that disciplinary projects moved from the margins of society to the center? What is meant by â€Å"margin†? What is meant by â€Å"center†? What is the significance of this transition of discipline from the margins to the center? 10. What does Foucault mean when he says that societies of antiquity were â€Å"societies of spectacle† and modern societies are â€Å"societies of surveillance†? What are the differences? What historical events created such differences?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis Of Leadership Styles Politics Essay

Analysis Of Leadership Styles Politics Essay This report was commissioned to represent comparative analysis of leadership styles of two presidents of the United States of America that is one ex-president George W. Bush and current president Barack H. Obama. The object of discussion is to compare and contrast leadership qualities of both presidents based on basic leadership theories that were introduced in literature review: Great Man theory, traits theory, and behavioral approach, contingency, transformational and transactional theories. As per requirements it was done the introduction of the background of two personalities including their childhood, university years and career. It was done overview of leadership qualities of them where B. Obama is represented as a political leader with good political skills, great ability to public communication, organizational capacity and emotional intelligence and G.W. Bush as a leader with prominent political vision and skills. Except that it was expressed my own opinion about two leaders where is the most admirable politician is George W. Bush who is top-down, no-nonsense, decisive, macho leader who sets his eye on the far horizon and doesnt go wobbly getting there. In a conclusion it is essential to say that The President of the United States of America is granted significant powers by the Constitution and exercises others by tradition and precedent. He has to inspire the confidence of the people. Every President has to become a leader, and to be a leader he must attract people who are willing to follow him. INTRODUCTION Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and their collaborators who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes( Komives, Woodard, 2003). Leader are somebody whom people follow and guide people. Leaders are the head of the nation, political party, legislative body or military unit. A type of Leader is  determined and identified by the core trait  that  is  emphasized and  by the  combination of other core traits that are  displayed and used to gain the trust of the people and Lead them to undertake the major task facing the organization( Some characteristics of leaders: Leaders are essential for setting the company vision, assessing where the company stands and making difficult choices. Leaders must be able to pull a team together, solve problems and develop strategies. Leaders Challenge people. Leaders build their peoples Confidence. Leaders Coach the people they lead. Leaders challenge people by bringing them out of their comfort zones, enabling people to reach successes that they never thought they could achieve. Leaders boost confidence and put their faith in their people to deliver the goal. Leaders reward intelligent failures, or the sincere effort to achieve, even if the effort may fail. Leaders communicate a clear and compelling vision to challenge people to think and act differently as they pursue a new agenda. BACKGROUND Barack Obama Obama is actually of mixed heritage. He was born in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Barack Obama Senior was from Kenya and Obamas mother, Ann Durham, was originally from Kansas. The marriage between Obamas parents was a short-lived one, however. In the early 1960s, interracial relationships were still quite rare in many parts of America, and even technically illegal in some states. When Obama was two years old they divorced, and his father left Hawaii to enter Harvard University to earn a Ph.D. in economics. The two Baracks met again only once, when Obama was ten, though they did write occasionally. Barack Sr. eventually returned to Kenya and died in a car accident there in the early 1980s. Obamas mother remarried a man from Indonesia who worked in the oil industry, and when Obama was six they moved there. The family lived near the capital of Jakarta, where his half-sister Maya was born. At the age of ten, Obama returned to Hawaii and lived with his maternal grandparents. Obama entered in kindergarten level in Noelani Elementary school located at Honolulu, Hawaii and then from first to fourth grade he done education in Jakarta, Indonesia. Fifth through twelfth grade he done education again in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama got High school diploma from Punahou and went on to Occidental College in Los Angeles, where he decided to get serious about his studies. Midway through, he transferred to the prestigious Columbia University in New York City. After he earned his undergraduate degree in political science, he became a community organizer in Harlem-but quickly realized he could not afford to live in the city with a job that paid so little. Instead, he moved to Chicago to work for a church-based social-services organization there. Obama applied to and was accepted at Harvard Law School. In 1990, he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review journal ( Also during his law school years, Obama spent eight days in Los Angeles taking a national training course on Alinsky methods of organizing(Lizza, Ryan, 2007). Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States on November 2008( George Walker Bush He was born in New Haven, Connecticut on 1946. Bush was the first child of George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush. He was raised in Midland and Houston, Texas, with his four siblings. Bushs grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a U.S. Senator from Connecticut. Bushs father, George H. W. Bush, served as U.S. Vice President from 1981 to 1989 and U.S. President from 1989 to 1993 ( Clarita, CalBoyer, 1995). As a child, Bush attended public schools in Midland, Texas until the family moved to Houston after he completed seventh grade. He then went to The Kinkaid School, a prep school in Houston, for two years (http://www.lib.utexas.edul). Bush finished his high school years at Phillips Academy. Bush attended Yale University from 1964 to 1968, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. During this time, he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, being elected the fraternitys president during his senior year. He characterized himself as an average student. Beginning in the fall of 1973, Bush at tended the Harvard Business School, where he earned an MBA. He was the only U.S. President to have earned an MBA( In May 1968, Bush was commissioned into the Texas Air National Guard. After two years of active-duty service while training, he was assigned to Houston, flying Convair F-102s out of Ellington Air Force Base. In October 1973, Bush was discharged from the Texas Air National Guard and transferred to inactive duty in the Air Force Reserve. He was honorably discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974, at the end of his six-year service obligation ( He married on November 1977. In 1982 he would have a twin daughter. George W. Bush served as the 43rd president of the United States from 2001-2009. MAIN BODY 3.1 Theories on Leadership Leadership has different meaning to different authors. Harry Truman, the American President, said that leadership is the ability to get men (women) to do what they dont like to do and like it (Greenstein, 1989). Leadership is defined as influence, that is the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group goals(Koontz, Weihrich, 2006). So a good leader is a maker of men, developer of subordinates and creator of worthy lieutenants. The activities of successful effective leaders: H:College filecollege fileSemester 5MLSAssignmentUntitled.png (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() John Adair has a long pedigree in the world of leadership. The Adair model is that the action-centered leader gets the job done through the work team and relationships with fellow managers and staff. According to Adairs explanation an action-centered leader must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ direct the job to be done (task structuring) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ support and review the individual people doing it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ co-ordinate and foster the work team as a whole TEAM TASK INDIVIDUAL The challenge for the leader is to manage all sectors of the diagram: Task define the task make the plan allocate work and resources control quality and rate of work check performance against plan adjust the plan Team maintain discipline build team spirit encourage, motivate, give a sense of purpose appoint sub-leaders ensure communication within group develop the group Individual attend to personal problems praise individuals give status recognise and use individual abilities develop the individual A review of the leadership literature reveals an evolving series of schools of thought from Great Man and Trait theories to Transformational leadership (see table). Whilst early theories tend to focus upon the characteristics and behaviors of successful leaders, later theories begin to consider the role of followers and the contextual nature of leadership (Gronn, 1995). Great Man Theories Based on the belief that leaders are exceptional people, born with innate qualities, destined to lead. The use of the term man was intentional since until the latter part of the twentieth century leadership was thought of as a concept which is primarily male, military and Western. This led to the next school of Trait Theories Trait Theories The lists of traits or qualities associated with leadership exist in abundance and continue to be produced. They draw on virtually all the adjectives in the dictionary which describe some positive or virtuous human attribute, from ambition to zest for life Behavioral Theories These concentrate on what leaders actually do rather than on their qualities. Different patterns of behavior are observed and categorized as styles of leadership. This area has probably attracted most attention from practicing managers Contingency Theory This is a refinement of the situational viewpoint and focuses on identifying the situational variables which best predict the most appropriate or effective leadership style to fit the particular circumstances Transactional Theory This approach emphasizes the importance of the relationship between leader and followers, focusing on the mutual benefits derived from a form of contract through which the leader delivers such things as rewards or recognition in return for the commitment or loyalty of the followers Transformational Theory The central concept here is change and the role of leadership in envisioning and implementing the transformation of organisational performance From Great Man to Transformational Leadership Each of these theories takes a rather individualistic perspective of the leader, although a school of thought gaining increasing recognition is that of dispersed leadership. This approach, with its foundations in sociology, psychology and politics rather than management science, views leadership as a process that is diffuse throughout an organisation rather than lying solely with the formally designated leader. The emphasis thus shifts from developing leaders to developing leaderful organisations with a collective responsibility for leadership. Trait Theories Trait theories of leadership sought personality, social, physical or intellectual traits that differentiate leaders from non leaders. Trait view has little analytical or predictive value. Technical, conceptual and human skills (Katz, 1974). People are born with inherited traits. Some traits are particularly suited to leadership. People who make good leaders have the right combination of traits. Traits Skills à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Adaptable to situations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Alert to social environment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ambitious and achievement-orientated à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Assertive à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Cooperative à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Decisive à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Dependable à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Dominant (desire to influence others) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Energetic (high activity level) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Persistent à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Self-confident à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Tolerant of stress à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Willing to assume responsibility à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Clever (intelligent) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Conceptually skilled à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Creative à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Diplomatic and tactful à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Fluent in speaking à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Knowledgeable about group task à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Organized administrative ability) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Persuasive à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Socially skilled Behavioral Theories Behavioral theories of leadership do not seek inborn traits or capabilities. Rather, they look at what leaders actually do. If success can be defined in terms of describable actions, then it should be relatively easy for other people to act in the same way. This is easier to teach and learn then to adopt the more ephemeral traits or capabilities. Trait theory: Leaders are born, not made. Behavioral theory: Leadership traits can be taught. Ohio State Studies Initiating Structure The extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of sub-ordinates in the search for goal attainment. Consideration The extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates ideas, and regard for their feelings. University of Michigan Studies Employee-Oriented Leader Emphasizing interpersonal relations; taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among members. Production-Oriented Leader One who emphasizes technical or task aspects of the job.H:College filecollege fileSemester 5MLSAssignmentbehaviour.jpg (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() Contingency Theories Fiedlers Contingency Model The theory that effective groups depend on a proper match between a leaders style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader (Brooks, 2007). Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Questionnaire An instrument that purports to measure whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented. Leader-Member Relations The degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates have in their leader. Task Structure The degree to which the job assignments are procedurized. Position Power Influence derived from ones formal structural position in the organization; includes power to hire, fire, discipline, promote, and give salary increases. H:College filecollege fileSemester 5MLSAssignmentcontingency.jpg (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() Transactional Theories Transactional leadership models treat the process of leading as a cross between a social and business transaction. There are specific hierarchies and structures in which some people are leaders and others are followers. A leader and follower agree to a contract. The latter is responsible for following orders to do a job, and the former provides rewards for proper execution of responsibilities. The difficulty in transactional leadership is that the concept doesnt apply well to all circumstances or cultures. For example, job-performance-and-reward model doesnt pertain to volunteer efforts, where the reward is usually something other than what the leader can directly provide ( Transactional leadership seeks to motivate followers by appealing to their own self-interest. Transactional leaders use conventional reward and punishment to gain compliance from their followers. Transformational theories James MacGregor Burns first introduced the concept of transformational leadership in his book Leadership (1978), but this term is now used in organizational psychology as well. He described it not as a set of specific behaviours, but rather an ongoing process by which leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation. Transformational leaders offer a purpose that transcends short-term goals and focuses on higher order intrinsic needs. Transformational leaders raise the bar by appealing to higher ideals and values of followers. In doing so, they may model the values themselves and use charismatic methods to attract people to the values and to the leader. There are four components of transformational leadership, which are: Tab.1 3.2 OBAMA LEADERSHIP QUALITIES President Barack Obama has gotten the attention of Americans and foreigners alike due to his charismatic nature. A charismatic approach is transformational if it invokes a permanent change in the people who embrace the leaders vision. Thus far, President Obama has woed many to his vision which has the potential to make a huge difference in both domestic and foreign affairs. Barack Obama is a fascinating political leader. Obama have some following leadership qualities. Public Communication Organizational Capacity Emotional Intelligence Political Skill Cognitive Style President Obamas frankness is also another key that sets him apart from countless other politicians. By communicating his goal honestly and clearly, listeners are able to sense his sincerity and will tend to trust him more. This is opposed to many others who choose not to come clean regarding certain ulterior motives, apparent as they may be, and this only mean that listeners are less willing to trust them wholeheartedly. Barak Obama also scores well in terms of being able to delegate tasks to more capable hands, and concerns himself more with the direction setting and visioning of the nation. In higher management, delegation is a crucial skill to master in order to be effective (   Apart this Barack Obama has some special qualities in his life as well that shows his leaders nature. He is not afraid to be surrounded by other brilliant people from whom he gets advice.   He learns new things from them.   He goes to meetings with an open heart.   He is not stuck up with ego.   He is willing to learn new things.   He is willing to listen. He has gone through the steps of learning, growing, teaching, writing, earning and gaining trust and support etc.   He is a seeker of challenges ( BUSH LEADERSHIP QUALITIES George Walker Bush has embraced a command-and-control style that sharply challenges much of todays conventional wisdom about leadership and indeed is a marked departure from other recent presidents. Bush is a top-down, no-nonsense, decisive, macho leader who sets his eye on the far horizon and doesnt go wobbly getting there. He is crisp and can be confrontational, expecting others to follow or get out of the way. He is a big-picture fellow who learned in business school and in Austin to focus on only two or three goals at a time and pursue them fiercely, seeing other issues as distractions. Once he sets a course, he may try his hand at public persuasion. But if people dont swing behind him, he plunges ahead anyway, trusting that they will catch up later. Bush has indeed moved quickly to set his course and stick to it. He has let things languish and pushed problems to the future. He has also not hesitated to switch positions when necessary, such as when he first opposed, and then backed, the creation of a Homeland Security Department. He is a person who, once he picks a goal, never looks back. Even strong supporters sometimes worry that his curiosity and patience seem limited, while detractors see him as intellectually lazy and dependent on ideology and sloganeering instead of realism and clear thinking. Because he has a relatively small set of advisers, dissenting voices are effectively muffled ( Far more important to him than the art of persuasion, or so it appears, is discipline of message. Bush had waged a highly disciplined campaign that focused on a few core issues. Yet in his three debates with Al Gore, Bush had come across to many as unprepared for the job. Occasionally, Bush made his trademark smirk, a gesture that many took as a sign of arrogance. Bush described himself as a compassionate conservative ( There are some following leadership qualities. Public Communication Policy Vision Political Skills Organizational Capacity Compare with Leadership Qualities Transformational theory Peter Northouse (2004) wrote that transformational leadership is the process whereby an individual engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. Obama has benefited from skillful oratory, personal charm and charisma. He has mixed old and new media strategies to sustain and build popular support. Obama and his communications team have been clever at devising novel ways to present Obama in a sympathetic light. In confronting the contemporary era of fragmented media of communication, the president has shown a savvy ability to find the audience, as opposed to expecting the audience to come to him (Woolley, Peters, 2009). George W. Bush likes to consider himself a transformational leader. His supporters like to compare him to Reagan and Truman with the implicit premise that history will also treat him kindly after a rough spell in the polls but in fact he is not like that. He highly religious and moralistic but at the same time he is poor manager, failing to organize diverse information flows in his administration, and he is resistant to new ideas. George W. Bush is failed as a transformational leader since he was running against the odds (Bass, Riggio, 2006). Contingency theory The basic promise of contingency theory is that effective leadership is contingent upon matching leaders style to the right setting. Barak Obama showed a distinct ability to alter his leadership style to fit a situation on at least three occasions. First, while presiding over a town hall meeting in Fort Meyer, Florida, President Obama demonstrated the tender side of leadership by delivering a genuine kiss of compassion to a woman struggling to overcome economic hard times and the embarrassing stigma of being homeless. Secondly, on his first trip to the G20 summit in Europe. President Obama discerned that the Prime Minister of France and the Premier of China were at an impasse over a certain deal at which time he showed a sense of cross cultural leadership by gently calling the two aside to a corner and brokering a deal between them. Third, as aforementioned, President Obama flexed his presidential biceps to force Chrysler into bankruptcy, both Chrysler and GM out of NASCAR, and both Chrysler and GM accept new MPG fuel standards (Coggins, 2009). In comparison with B. Obama G.W. Bush leads by definition. His leadership posture has arguably set a new standard in immunizing the presidency from the risks of todays hyper-politicized, media-exposed environment.   His success is traced to several factors: his personal political experiences, the imperative of defining political issues and opponents during the revitalization of the conservative movement, and the GOPs control of American national government. G.W. Bush is one of a long line of orthodox innovators in American presidential history.   Like other presidents who led by tying themselves to their political base while seeking to go beyond orthodoxyincluding James Polk, Theodore Roosevelt, and Lyndon JohnsonPresident Bush faces the challenge of redeeming old promises while responding to the demand for something new( Skowronek, 2005). Behavioral leadership From behavioral perspective of leadership Obama successes as a leader. He is: Attention Grabber. Knows how to make the best use of any opportunity give. Persistent He does not lose hope after he lost the election US congress and then won in the senate elections by a large margin. He is a self aware and most importantly has the ability to tie his own experience into a political speech in which he portrays himself as an ordinary citizen, speaking for the general public. As a manager it might not effect whether you portray yourself as a common man or not but as a leader it is very important to relate the common man ( From behavioural perspective of leadership B. Obama shows himself as a democratic leader. Obama touted his abilities to solve problems in a bipartisan way, to take on special interest groups, and to restore Americas standing globally, while giving average citizens a voice. This dates back to my history as a community organizer and my belief that if ordinary people participate we get better outcomes, he said. Temperamentally, Im someone who tries to seek common ground, he said. I tend not to demonize people who dont agree with me, but try to find areas of overlap. Im not an ideological person; I try to make decisions based on facts, what works and what doesnt. ( G.W. Bush in contrast to Obama is autocratic leader. Bush is resolute in his decisions and ultimately does not look for, or care to truly consider opinions that run counter to his desires. He wants to propagate freedom without seeming to understand the fundamentals of liberty. It isnt all about bombs and tanks and diplomacy from the working end of a gun. It is about unrestricted exchange. It is about occupying real estate where reasonable people publicly tussle over tough ideas. It is opinion given unadorned rather than served with ginned up intelligence or hidden behind executive privilege and presidential clemency or warrant-less wiretaps. Freedom as trite as it sounds requires vigilance and oversight. 3.4. Opinion about George Walker Bush Leadership Style George Bush has embraced a command-and-control style that sharply challenges much of todays conventional wisdom about leadership. There are some qualities that I consider as admirable for me. Bush is a top-down, no-nonsense, decisive, macho leader who sets his eye on the far horizon and doesnt go wobbly getting there. He is crisp and can be confrontational, expecting others to follow or get out of the way. He asks questions and actively listens before he decides, but he doesnt agonize, and once the decision is made, he doesnt brook internal dissent. He happily delegates details, but he monitors his team closely. If they swerve off course, he snaps them back into line. Once he sets a course, he may try his hand at public persuasion. But if people dont swing behind him, he plunges ahead anyway, trusting that they will catch up later. Far more important to him than the art of persuasion, or so it appears, is discipline of message. He has learned through experience that if he and his team repeat a clear, simple message long enough, the public is much more likely to give him permission to act, even if they arent fully persuaded. One more admirable quality is that as he imposes a demanding physical regime upon himself, he also insists that his team stick to a script and drill it home repeatedly. He is slow to trust and has a long memory for those who cross him or his family, but he is devoted to those who are faithful. Loyalty to the man, loyalty to the mission, loyalty to the message, you dont stay on his team long unless you get with the program. Bush also has nerve. If he thinks the mission important enough, he will take a risk even put his presidency on the line. So what if no president since Franklin Roosevelt has picked up congressional seats in his first mid-term election? So what if I risk embarrassment by campaigning hard for Republicans? Lets rev up Air Force One and barnstorm the country. Thats the way Bush acts, and more often than not as in the 2002 election, he wins his bets (Gergen, 2003). George W. Bush has displayed a natural ability to lead. Through his skillful use of timeless management principles and his powerful people skills, Bush has proven to be a genius at leadership. The Leadership Genius of George W. Bush reveals the unwavering leadership principles of the first President with an MBA and illustrates how he uses them to operate within the arenas of politics, business, and life (Bennis, Thomas, 2002). Conclusion The President of the United States of America is granted significant powers by the Constitution and exercises others by tradition and precedent. However, success exercising these powers has varied widely from one President to the next. Harnessing the powers of the presidency and managing the sprawling executive branch take a great deal of skill and determination. Indeed Presidents face a host of challenges as they attempt to lead the nation and its people. They must work with others in the separated system of American government. They must constantly deal with a wide range of complex domestic and foreign policy problems which tend to arise at the worst possible times. They must try to organize and lead an executive branch which often does not want to follow. And they must try to lead a nation with an aversion to strong leadership. That some Presidents are strong and effective leaders in spite of these obstacles is a testament to their talents, skills and determination. Every President has to inspire the confidence of the people. Every President has to become a leader, and to be a leader he must attract people who are willing to follow him. Every President has to develop a moral underpinning to his power, or he soon discovers that he has no power at all (Jones, 1994). In conclusion it would be relevant to refer to the words of Dwight D. Eisenhower (former US President): Leadership: the art of getting someone else to do something you  want done because he wants to do it (

Monday, August 19, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Its Fair and Effective -- Argumentative Pe

Capital Punishment - It's Fair and Effective   Ã‚  Ã‚   Confronting head-on two of the most prominent objections to the death penalty is the object of this paper: Is the death penalty a miscarriage of justice? And Does it Deter Crime?    It's a miscarraige of justice. In a survey Professors Hugo Adam Bedau and Michael Radelet found that 7000 persons were executed in the United States between 1900 and 1985 and that 35 were innocent of capital crimes (1). Among the innocents they list Sacco and Vanzetti as well as Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Although their data may be questionable, I do not doubt that, over a long enough period, miscarriages of justice will occur even in capital cases. Despite precautions, nearly all human activities, such as trucking, lighting, or construction, cost the lives of some innocent bystanders. We do not give up these activities, because the advantages, moral or material, outweigh the unintended losses (2). Analogously, for those who think the death penalty just, miscarriages of justice are offset by the moral benefits and the usefulness of doing justice. For those who think death penalty unjust even when it does not miscarry, miscarriages can hardly be decisive.    Is it a deterrent? Despite much recent work, there has been no conclusive statistical demonstration that the death penalty is a better deterrent than are alternative punishments (3). However, deterrence is less than decisive for either side. Most abolitionists acknowledge that they would continue to favor abolition even if the death penalty were shown to deter more murders than alternatives could deter (4). Abolitionists appear to value the life of a convicted murderer or, at least, his non-execution, more highly than they v... ...n, however just, of murderers. But although there is a lively discussion of the subject, not serious evidence exists to support the hypothesis that executions produce a higher murder rate. Cf. Phllips, the deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: New Evidence on an Old Controversy, 86 Am. J. Soc. 139 (1980) (arguing that murder rates drop immediately after executions of criminals). 6 H. Gross, A Theory of Criminal Justice 489 (1979) (attributing this passage to Sir James Fitzjames Stephen). 7 Weems v. United States, 217 U.S. 349 (1910) suggest that penalties be proportionate to the seriousness of the crime - a common theme in criminal law. Murder, therefore, demands more that life imprisonment. In modern times, our sensibility requires that the range of punishments be narrower than the range of crime - but not so narrow as to exclude the death penalty.   

Biotechnology in the Rio Grande Valley :: Genetics Biology Essays Papers

Biotechnology in the Rio Grande Valley When you get right down to it, the Rio Grande Valley is a lot like a cell. Everyone in the valley contributes to its existence, working day and night, keeping everything working. Our unique cultural blending serves as the DNA, and tacos seem to serve as our primary food source. Oh, and not to mention that the vast openness of the King Ranch serves as our cell membrane. The Valley, even though our quiet and simple life may not speak it, is well aware of the science taking place in the world around us, as well as in our own backyard. Lately, major scientific advances have been made in the area of biotechnology and medicine. People don’t always recognize it, but they are definitely feeling the ramifications of such major advancements. I like to sit down to a healthy breakfast of pan dulce (doughnuts that is). Oh, and not just any doughnuts, the ones drowned in glaze, and don’t forget about the ones dipped in pink sugar stuff that I don’t even know the name of. Yes, I might as well eat cyanide, but it makes me think. People all over the valley can’t do that. They suffer from a disease called diabetes. Oh yes, I know this disease well†¦ my grandmother lost her big toe due to that tyrant of a problem. Even my fellow youth in my Biology class suffer from it. The battle for health is not a one sided one however. Scientists have just recently mapped the human genome, and are now working on finding the â€Å"flaws† of our bodies. Once we can pinpoint the problems, or the places in our bodies, which have a hard time dealing with diseases and viruses, we can work on solutions, or cures. Just recently, I have discovered the horrors of old age. My grandfather of 81 years has a major case of Alzheimer’s. I mean, I sit on the couch and watch as the poor man tries to remember how to put a sandwich together. What once was the most simple of tasks now poses a half hour problem. It’s times like those when you realize that we all take youth for granted.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Iago and Angelo as the Hypocrites of Shakespeares Othello Essay examp

Few plot elements inspire such an emotional reaction in readers as does hypocrisy. Not only do readers feel genuine anger at the actions of the hypocritical character, but they also feel deep sympathy for the Hester Prynnes of the stories they read. This tandem of anger and sympathy is a powerful tool for an author to use to draw readers into his or her tale, because creating an emotional response in one’s audience is the best way to make them identify with the story. The response of the readers to these situations is a fascinating one. Perhaps the reader remembers a time when s/he was the victim of a two-faced action. Perhaps stories about hypocrisy evoke a sense of moral outrage or awaken a sense of justice in the reader. Perhaps the reader is simply fascinated with having a secret that s/he is unable to tell. For whatever reason, authors have carefully woven threads of hypocrisy into the fabric of their stories since the very dawn of literature. Some of the best examples o f this skill (as indeed of many others) come from the writings of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s astute observations of human nature coupled with his amazing word craftsmanship have created some of the most memorable hypocrite characters in all of literature. From the twisted, jealous, hatred of Iago in Othello to the lusty self-righteousness of Angelo in Measure for Measure, we can glean a sense of Shakespeare’s masterful manipulation of hypocrisy to create a tempting tale. Iago and Angelo are true hypocrites. In Othello, we are first introduced to Iago, a military officer under the command of the Othello, a well-respected Moorish captain. Iago’s hatred for Othello is revealed in the very first lines of the play, when it is revealed that he has been... ...haracters who exhibit hypocrisy. Whether it is anger at the hypocrite or empathy for the victim, a good author or playwright can capitalize on this tendency but constructing a plot with a few hypocritical timbers. Shakespeare was a master at such structures, introducing two of them in Othello and Measure for Measure. Iago and Angelo are both men of relatively high rank whose own hypocrisies lead to their downfalls. Iago’s hypocrisy permeates every facet of his character, including loyalty, friendships, and marital relations. Angelo, meanwhile, falls victim to his desires and commits one major hypocritical action, exhibiting both lust and lawlessness. The fact that these two plays are driven by these hypocritical actions is a testament to the ability of hypocrisy to promote a response in an audience, and a testament to the Bard’s incomparable playwriting skills. Â   Iago and Angelo as the Hypocrites of Shakespeare's Othello Essay examp Few plot elements inspire such an emotional reaction in readers as does hypocrisy. Not only do readers feel genuine anger at the actions of the hypocritical character, but they also feel deep sympathy for the Hester Prynnes of the stories they read. This tandem of anger and sympathy is a powerful tool for an author to use to draw readers into his or her tale, because creating an emotional response in one’s audience is the best way to make them identify with the story. The response of the readers to these situations is a fascinating one. Perhaps the reader remembers a time when s/he was the victim of a two-faced action. Perhaps stories about hypocrisy evoke a sense of moral outrage or awaken a sense of justice in the reader. Perhaps the reader is simply fascinated with having a secret that s/he is unable to tell. For whatever reason, authors have carefully woven threads of hypocrisy into the fabric of their stories since the very dawn of literature. Some of the best examples o f this skill (as indeed of many others) come from the writings of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s astute observations of human nature coupled with his amazing word craftsmanship have created some of the most memorable hypocrite characters in all of literature. From the twisted, jealous, hatred of Iago in Othello to the lusty self-righteousness of Angelo in Measure for Measure, we can glean a sense of Shakespeare’s masterful manipulation of hypocrisy to create a tempting tale. Iago and Angelo are true hypocrites. In Othello, we are first introduced to Iago, a military officer under the command of the Othello, a well-respected Moorish captain. Iago’s hatred for Othello is revealed in the very first lines of the play, when it is revealed that he has been... ...haracters who exhibit hypocrisy. Whether it is anger at the hypocrite or empathy for the victim, a good author or playwright can capitalize on this tendency but constructing a plot with a few hypocritical timbers. Shakespeare was a master at such structures, introducing two of them in Othello and Measure for Measure. Iago and Angelo are both men of relatively high rank whose own hypocrisies lead to their downfalls. Iago’s hypocrisy permeates every facet of his character, including loyalty, friendships, and marital relations. Angelo, meanwhile, falls victim to his desires and commits one major hypocritical action, exhibiting both lust and lawlessness. The fact that these two plays are driven by these hypocritical actions is a testament to the ability of hypocrisy to promote a response in an audience, and a testament to the Bard’s incomparable playwriting skills. Â  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Joy Of Cooking

A creative interest I have is cooking with pastries, seafood and poultry. Preparing food can be fun. All I need is just a little imagination and time. Pastries are dessert that are severed for special occasions and after a meal. Pastries are special due to the fact each one tastes and looks different. The creative format comes from the chef. Since I am the one who cooks in my house, I must prepare each dish tasteful and attractive. For example, I was thinking of a creative cake for my daughters&rsquo birthday. I decide to make her a choo choo train cake. The way I want to present this dish is by making it look like a toy train with zoo animals standing near by. The idea of this dish is to make the train look similar to the candy house in the story, â€Å"Hansel and Gretel†. The first step was to add food coloring to the icing. She was excited. â€Å"Mommy, can I mix the colors? † Next, I decorated the cake board with grated coconut. I add green food coloring to the grated coconut. Jessica said, † Mommy, that looks like grass. † Then, I decorated the carts of the train with different color icing. For example, I placed green, blue, and red icing on each of the carts. When I finished decorating the carts, I placed them on the black licorice train tracks. When I was finished with placing the carts on the track, Jessica and I arranged assorted candy all over the train. Another creative idea I had was to cook with the children in after school care at William Lehman Elementary. For example, I had decided to make an orange shake with them to celebrate Halloween. The first step I created, was to add orange sherbet ice cream. Next, I add cream soda to the float. When I was finished the shake, I placed one chocolate chip cookie inside of the float. Cooking creativy with seafood is another outstanding process. When cooking shrimp, I must prepare each shrimp to the procedure I want. For example, when preparing Chinese Fried Rice, I cook every item separately. For instance, this dish requires shrimp. This dish I peel each shrimp. Then I season the shrimp with soy sauce. Then, I stir fry them. When I cook this dish, I add everything in a bowl. Once the Chinese rice is cooked, I prepare the platter. For instance, I chop up green onions and place them around the Chinese Rice. Then I slice thin piece of oranges and locate then around the green onion. The shrimps in this platter are tricky to cook. For example, you must have a spatula in one hand. While you are stirring the shrimps, you must move the pan back and forth with the other hand. I do this so the shrimps do not stick to the pan. The specialty in grilled dolphin is the way I present the dish. When I finish reparing the dolphin, I place the fish on platter with yellow rice and raw green peppers. Then I get two raw mushrooms and cut them into quarters. Then, I place them on all sides of the yellow rice. Finally, I place thin slices of lemon around the edge of the plate. A creative way I present the poultry is by cooking and preparing each dish differently. For example, tonight I am preparing sweet and sour chicken on a stick. When I prepare this dish, I get the chicken and cut it into one inch squares. Then I place the chicken on a stick. Between each piece of chicken, I place a pineapple square, green pepper, and a cherry tomato. When I place the white rice in the center of the plate, then I put two chicken sticks on top of the rice. Once the meal is cooked, I add my creativeness. I get sweet an sour sauce and pour in a slow zig zag motion all over the platter. Another way I prepare this dish is by mixing all the ingredients together. Then I place it in the middle of the plate. After placing the poultry in the middle of the plate, I settle the white rice around the meal.

Friday, August 16, 2019

What Makes a Good City?

What makes a good city ?There are far to many to enumerate but here are a few: A secure water supply and sanitation system. A solid economy. A transportation network on every level. A strong tax base. Good to great schools. Better then Good police protection. Affordable housing, A built in arts and culture environment, Affordable medical, social services, sanitation and fire protection. A community spirit, a Love Thy Neighbor attitude.The ideal cityBuild housing, construct infrastructure like roads and plumbing, provide public services like electricity and garbage collection, coordinate commerce, provide recreational facilities such as parks, stadiums and museums, and facilitate transport.What makes a perfect city ?A good transport system, low traffic, lots of money, beaches and rivers, big CBD. High Helth and good education system plus near to oter big cities.Ideal CityCORRECTION OF THE ESSAY : â€Å"Imagine the Ideal City† The city of my dreams is neither too big nor too sma ll. (Jenna) It is clean, there aren’t any cigarette butts, chewing gums, papers or dog dirt on the floor.( Angà ©lique /Marjorie) It is Green, ecological (Stà ©phanie): there are less traffic and pollution because people use alternative means of transport (Gamzà ©/ Maria) and the cars run with solar energy. The houses are equipped with solar panels too to protect the Earth (Fanny/Stephanie) People recycle their wastes (Gamze ) The environment is respected (Jenna) &the scenery is pleasant because the huge sky scrappers & tower blocks have been replaced by detached houses. (Marjorie/Sabrina)The city is built with recycled materials to fight global warming (Fanny) In this ideal town People are happy & safe, they can have walks in the streets & gardens even at night. The pavements are large enough for parents with buggies and accessible for  disabled people (Vanessa). Car Parks are free (Maria). You can borrow free bikes or take a stylish cheap taxi. (Anthony) Drivers respec t pedestrians and don’t insult other drivers. Everybody is civilised & smiles (Angà ©lique/ Sabrina) You can go shopping in low cost stores (Angà ©lique). There are many activities & services for everyone: for children and elderly people . Drama groups and artists perform in the street and a music festival regularly takes place for everyone’s Greatest pleasure. (Fanny)Criminals & delinquents are supervised by cameras. In case of a problem the police or the firemen are there immediately (Vanessa) No Poverty in this ideal town.There aren’t any homeless & beggars. Charities accommodate them in decent buildings. Students no longer sleep in cars or squats. (Marjorie /Mrs Lombrana) The rents are not excessively high, everybody can afford buying a home.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Plot Summary of Play Boy of the Western World

Play boy Of the Western World Plot summary The play is set in County Mayo in a country shebeen or pub. Pegeen Mike is engaged to Shawn Keogh a rich farmer, but she is not in love with him. Pegeen’s father Michael James owns the pub, and spends his time going to wakes and getting drunk. A young man arrives one evening as Michael James and his two pals Jimmy Farrell and Philly Cullen are about to go off to a wake. This young man calls himself Christy Mahon and claims that he has killed his da.Everyone including Pegeen are fascinated and admire Christy for this heroic deed. The men set off for the wake leaving Pegeen with Christy. The widow Quinn a local woman who is supposed to have murdered her husband arrives and tries to get Christy to stay the night in her hut. Pegeen has taken control of Christy at this stage and refuses to let him go. The following morning some local girls arrive to visit Christy and bring him presents. Christy is a hero in the eyes of the villagers and th ey beg him to participate in their local games.In the meantime Old Mahon who is Christy’s father arrives and meets the widow Quinn. Old Mahon has suffered a blow on his head from being hit by Christy and wishes to punish him. He tells the widow about Christy and describes him as a weak character, ‘a dirty stuttering lout who would get drunk on the smell of a pint. ‘ When Christy meets his father towards the conclusion of the play he gives him another blow on the head and it truly looks as if he is dead.The villagers including Pegeen decide to capture him and bring him to prison. Pegeen disowns him for being a liar. Old Mahon recovers however and he and Christy leave the shebeen mocking the villagers who are unable to accept reality when it lands on their own door. The play concludes with Pegeen lamenting the loss of the ‘only playboy of the western world. ’ She is left with her loveless alliance to Shawn Keogh.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Human and Monster Help People

In the Frankenstein, there are six characters that die in the novel. What is the fundamental cause of their death? Who is the real killer? One may argue that this question is meaningless because it is obvious that the nameless monster kills almost every character except victor’s mother, who died naturally. However, the real killer should not be just the one who kills people by his hand, but the one who causes the death of so many innocent people, fundamentally. In the novel, initially, the nameless creature is a really benevolent creature, but, with time went by, people’s discrimination gradually changed him to devil, who determined to revenge his creator by killing his beloved. Therefore, discrimination is the real killer. First, examining how the six characters died may lead to insight for the questions on hand. Caroline Beaufort, Victor’s mother, dies of scarlet fever. William Frankenstein, Victor’s youngest brother, is strangled by monster in the woods outside Geneva. Justine Moritz, a young girl adopted into the Frankenstein household, is executed for William’s murder. Henry Clerval, victor’s boyhood friend and Elizabeth Lavenza, victor’s the wife, are strangled by the monster too. Alphonse Frankenstein, Victor’s father, is overcome with grief over the deaths of his close family members. The monster is, directly or indirectly, involved every time character dies except victor’s mother’s death. But why does he do this? Is that because of his nature? No. The monster is virtuous at the beginning. The whole village was roused; some fled, some attacked me, until, grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons, I escaped to the open village, and fearfully took refuge in a low hovel, quiet bare, and making a wretched appearance. † (73) I found the monster’s reaction to people’s sudden attack is not him fighting back or an act of revenge, which is the normal response of ki ller or any other evil creature, but escape. â€Å"I lay on my straw, but I could not sleep. I thought of the occurrences of the day. What chiefly struck me was the gentle manners of these people; and I long to join them, but dare not†. The monster wants to merge into a warm family instead of trying to hurt them. It means he also really wants to be loved and love others. The above quotes suggest that the monster’s nature is good, meaning he is not the one to harm another purposefully. How does a nice creature, which goes after love, gradually become an evil devil? Something must have happens and gradually change his thoughts. Look at how he was born. â€Å"It was dark when I awoke; I felt cold also, and half frightened, as it were, instinctively, finding myself so desolate. (71) This description above shows the monster is left alone by Victor because of the monster’s appearance and suffered from coldness and loneliness since the first day when he was created, while it is just the start of his miserable life. Look at the first times when he met a human being. Suffering from hunger, the nameless creature went into a small hut and an old man sat there. â€Å"He turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran across the fields with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable†(72). Once the old man notices the nameless creature and runs away because the monster’s appearance is terrifying and he assumes the monster will hurt him. We can see the old man as a representative of the ordinary people. He judges the nameless creatures by his appearance instead of quality. Imagine this situation: you are a really nice person and keep trying to make friends with others, but they discriminates you because of your skin color, gender or any other characters you have. This will make every emotional creature hurt. Actually the monster’s situation is even worse than that, because he has no companion and the only reason why everyone in this world discriminate him is his terrifying appearance which is not his fault. Therefore, it is reasonable for his inner world to gradually become dark. If people just try to avoid him, maybe, it is still acceptable. But what if his beloved try to destroy him? Please look at this sentence: â€Å"Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from his father, to whose knees I clung, in a transport of fury, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick. I could have torn him limb from limb, as the lion rends the antelope. But my heart sank within me as with bitter sickness, and I refrained. †(94) At the sight of the monster, worrying about monster will hurt his father, Felix spares no effort to attack the monster , while the monster is the one who had always been trying to help this family alleviate life burden and been eager to become a part to his family. Wronged and beaten by those cottagers, monster still refrained from desire to fight back, even though he is strong enough to tear Felix up. It is not the deed of a killer. How many human beings can be as tolerable as him? In a sense, the monster is even nobler than many of us. However, people regard this creature, which looks scary, as a monster, which is hostile to human. Nobody cares about it comes with a heart of gold. In this case, how does he feel? His feelings are afflicted and intensively contradictory. When I thought of my friends, of the mild voice of De Lacey, the gentle eyes of Agatha, and the exquisite beauty of the Arabian, these thoughts vanished and a gush of tears somewhat soothed me. But again when I reflected that they had spurned and deserted me, anger returned, a rage of anger, and unable to injure anything human, I turned my fury towards inanimate objects. †(97)Through these sentences, we can feel the monster’s inner struggle. He wanted to vent his i ndignation and hatred, but at the thought of his â€Å"protector†, he calmed down. Then, once he thinks of their departure and aversion to him, rage came back. However, he only turned his anger to inanimate stuff. He wants to revenge for what people have done to him but his nature tells him he shouldn’t do that. Even if he can’t control his anger, he still tries to minimize the damage by only destroying inanimate stuff. He wants to be a genuine person and gets along well with human being, but was rejected and hurt again and again. The reality tortured him emotionlessly. He was perplexed at that time. His thought was not as benevolent and pure as before. The discrimination of human being towards him made him started thinking of revenge. However, there is something worse waiting for him. â€Å"This was then the reward of my benevolence! I had saved a human being from destruction, and as recompense I now writhed under the miserable pain of a wound which shattered the flesh and bone. The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind. † (99) This is the description of the inner world of monster after being shot by a peasant whose daughter was saved by monster. He tried his best to save a girl and it’s the evidence of his heart of gold. However, the girl’s father never thought of why he save her life and try to restore her animation, but shot him because his appearance makes him look like a monster which will hurt human being. What if it is a human being that saves the girl? Usually, the peasant will show his gratitude and might even ask him to have a meal. If we compare these two conditions, we will find the deed of the saver is the same and but the attitude of peasant will be different. What determines the differences is the appearance of the saver. Humanlike saver is regarded as a nice person and creature which has strange or frightening appearance is regarded as devil. Isn’t that a kind of discrimination? The cruelty of reality kept swallowing his benevolence until the only thing left him to do is revenge. When the monster compromised to victor at the condition of creating a female companion for him, Victor broke his promise because he thought creating another creature like monster can only bring troubles. It is a reflection of discrimination. â€Å"As I looked on him, his countenance expressed the utmost extent of malice and treachery. I thought with a sensation of madness on my promise of creating another like to him, and trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged. † (119)This scene happened after Victor seeing the face of monster. When Victor was about to finish his work, he started to think creating another creature like monster can only bring more tragedies and decided to destroyed the monster’s female companion. It is true that the monster killed his brothers, but it is because there are too many miseries happened, revenge becomes the only thing he want to do to vent his indignation. We should notice that the monster can bring more sorrow to Victor and even other human beings, if only he wanted. However, if he didn’t do that, it means, in his deep heart, he is still benevolent creature. Nevertheless, Victor never care about how many good deeds the monster has done or the happiness of the creature he create, but only thought that the negative consequence of what the creature would make. Victor assumed the monster can never be a good creature, so his thought and decision are the reflection of discrimination on the monster. When we try to synthesis every part of novel I mentioned before, we will find the nature of this monster is good, but, gradually, the only thing in his mind is to revenge. What kind of thing makes a so nice creature become an evil? The answer is countless misery and injustice he experienced. Why does a nice creature have to suffer so much? Is that because of the fault of God? No! It is because of the discrimination. No matter how many times the monster help people, everyone in the novel, even children, thinks this creature is evil and tries to hurt people, so they avoid him, hurt him and even try to kill im. A nice creature never receives love or even sympathy because of his appearance, and, regardless of how the monster felt, his creator destroyed his last hope of being loved, so he wanted to see his creator was as painful as he was and decided to murder victors’ beloved. Now we can see that discrimination makes the nameless benevolent creature become a devil, contributing to the death of innocent people. So the real killer should be human being’s discrimination.

Information Managment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Information Managment - Assignment Example In additionally, timeliness of information shows that it must be timely or availed at the correct time for it to be useful. Finally, good data or information must be cost effective and, thus, affordable and also presented in the correct format.3 Sources of Information and Its Analysis Information within an organization is captured from a variety of sources with a view of enabling the management to make effective use of it for strategic planning and decision making. Reports have been presented as one of the most significant sources of information and data for organizations.4 These reports include financial reports, economic statistics, reports on market research, employee appraisal reports and company performance reports. Managers, therefore, capture information and data from these reports for informed decision making. For example, the financial reports of the company can be used to make strategic decisions on improved performance. Additionally, reports on employee appraisal are used by human resource managers to make decisions related to recruitment, promotion, motivation, training, and compensation and employee development. Other sources of information for managerial decision making include letters, memos, approvals, contracts, online sources, advertisers, the media, financial reviews, market trends, meeting agenda and discussions.5 The analysis of information within an organization is aimed at making the decision making process of managers as easy as possible. Statistical data are often analyzed through the use of statistical packages and programs such as Microsoft Excel and financial packages. These data are often presented in graphical and tabular forms so that managers are able to understand the business trends and, as a result, make informed strategic decisions on the business activities of the organization.6 Comparative analysis is the most appropriate method in the analysis of information within an organization. This method enables the management to com pare the performance of the organization with the previous financial periods. Additionally, comparative analysis enables managers to be able to analyze the company in relation to its competitors and market trends.7 This causes managers to reach appropriate strategic decisions which help a company to achieve a competitive advantage within the business environment.8 The Impact of Management Information Systems Management information systems describes computer systems and applications which are designed to present management information to managers in the most effective and efficient manner. Management information systems have caused a positive impact on the decision making process of managers.9 This has been achieved through the efficiency with which managers are able to access information on various functional areas of the organization. Therefore, the management team has been enabled by these systems to understand the needs of each functional area and, thus, make decisions related to the fulfillment of these needs.10 Management information system has promoted collaboration within an or